News: Re-Opening Thursday 3rd December

Our Showroom shall be back open to the public as of Thursday 3rd December!
We’d like to thank you all so much yet again for your continued support and patience during these times!
We are remaining to keep all procedures in place as before so please do follow all notices on entry and around the showroom, but just a quick reminder here:
. You do not need to book an appointment to visit us, we ask you to please ring the bell at the door and await for assistance.
. Please ensure you are wearing face coverings before entering the showroom and whilst inside.
. We ask you to please use the hand sanitiser stations provided.
. Please keep to the four people at a time rule within the showroom. If when you arrive and we have reached our limit, please wait in the foyer for the next person to leave and await for our assistance to welcome you inside.
. Please keep a safe 2m distance from other members of the public and our members of staff when inside.
We are back to our usual hours of: 9am-5pm Monday-Friday / 10am-4pm on Saturdays / CLOSED on Sundays.
Be sure to pop in and see us if you can, we have lots of Christmas crafts and gifts available (few snaps to follow of some of the products available) don’t miss out on making those Christmas purchases!
We hope you’re all keeping so well! Be safe, be sensible and we look forward to seeing you all over the next coming weeks.
p.s. updates for the Christmas period to follow shortly