News: new updates to SCCB

Good morning all, just a quick update from us here at SCCB,
New government guidelines and restrictions are coming through of which we are following day by day. We are still open but we know soon, we may have to close. Until we are told to do so, we plan to remain open so here are some new things we are putting in place for the current time we are open and some things to bare in mind:
. Keeping to the social distancing guidelines, we are allowing no more four people in the Showroom at a time.
. We are no longer taking any more bookings for measures and fittings during this current situation
. Any current bookings are still going ahead as planned for the time being, however, any customers wishing to reschedule to stay safe, please do get in contact with us and we can rearrange accordingly.
. Should we find we have to close, we will be in contact with all of our customers with current bookings to reschedule.
. Any customers who have any kind of symptom or who are self isolating, we ask for you to get in contact with us as soon as possible so that we can reschedule your appointment. As well as the well being of yourselves, we also need to think about our members of staff as we all have families, some with young children and with those most vulnerable.
. Our office is also remaining open for now, however, if we have to close we do have plans that members of staff could be working from home to respond to emails and phone calls. We do ask for you to bare with us on that one in terms of response time and queries you may have, we will try to help and respond as quickly and as best as we can during this uncertain time.
We'd like to thank you all again for all of your support. We are doing our best for our customers whilst also thinking of the well being of ourselves our families and hope you all too are keeping safe, well and positive as best you can throughout this uncertain time,