News: Lifting of Restrictions – Monday 19th July 2021

Whilst we understand that the Government are now lifting restrictions and procedures are no longer legal requirements, we’d like to confirm with you all that we are going to continue to keep all procedures in place for the time being. The well-being and safety of our staff and customers remains paramount and so, we are going to continue to:
. Encourage all customers to continue wearing a face covering when visiting our Showroom.
. Encourage all customers to continue using the hand sanitiser provided on arrival and departure of our showroom.
. Keep in place the direction arrows, two metre social distancing tape and four person limit within our Showroom.
. Continue to ask all customers to complete a form in order for our staff to attend to your properties for measures and fitting. These forms must be completed, signed and returned to us the day before your appointment is due.
We strongly ask anyone who is feeling unwell, is showing symptoms, has tested positive, has come in contact with anyone who has tested positive, is isolating, to please not visit our Showroom or arrange for an appointment for our staff to visit you.
Confirmation on our staff procedures:
. All members of staff have been and will continue to take two lateral flow tests a week.
. All members of staff have received their vaccines: some only their first, others both so please take this into consideration, also yourselves on your vaccination status.
. All members of staff will remain equipped with PPE for when attending all customer properties for measures & fittings where required.
We’d like to thank you all so much for your continued support, understanding and patience throughout these difficult times. We hope you can understand and respect our reasons on keeping procedures in place and ask all customers to please be considerate of on another.
We cannot stress enough that COVID-19 has not disappeared just because restrictions have been lifted. We must all continue to do all we possibly can to reduce the spread and ensure we are all keeping safe.
Be safe and be sensible everyone!