News: Christmas Updates

Christmas Updates ??
Our last opening day before Christmas is Wednesday 23rd December with our usual opening time of 9am-5pm.
Our Showroom & Office shall then be closed as of Thursday 24th where we shall return on Monday 4th January 2021 with our usual opening times resuming.
Please do pay us a visit if you can to not disappoint in making those last minute purchases before the big day, we have lots of Christmas gifts and crafts available in store now so please do see us as soon as you can! ??
If anyone has any queries or would like to make an enquiry, please do contact us as soon as possible. Please contact us on 01502 724948 or at
Any correspondence that is received after our last opening day shall be responded to when we are back open from Monday 4th January 2021.
Thank you all so much again for your support and patience during these times, we’ll be back again soon with another update just before we close.
We hope you are all keeping safe, well and warm!!❄️??